Other construction in the city may be related to planned or emergency road, sewer and watermain projects managed by Halton Region.
To learn more about improvements Halton Region is making in your community, visit halton.ca/construction.
Posted on Wednesday, July 20, 2022 11:58 AM
City View Park Pavilion is now complete City View Park information
Since approval of the park Master Plan, phased implementation of City View Park (2500 Kerns Rd. Burlington) has occurred including three artificial turf fields, creative playground, parking, pond/wetland, trails, natural restoration and a park maintenance facility.
The year-round building will support existing and future planned uses in the park.
It is a key feature for Bruce Trail hikers to meet or continue their adventure and a significant milestone towards the completion of the City View Park Master Plan.
Posted on Wednesday, July 20, 2022 11:52 AM
Trans-Northern Pipelines Inc. - Preventative Maintenance Work
Trans-Northern Pipelines Inc. has scheduled preventive maintenance work at the Centennial Bikeway and Sheldon Creek crossing. This preventative maintenance work is scheduled to begin Oct. 25, 2021, and will last approximately four weeks – weather permitting. TNPI will be working in and around Sheldon Creek to safely add cover to the pipeline, protecting both the pipeline and the creek.
This work will require equipment to be brought to the work site via Fothergill Boulevard westbound lanes, as well as the access path. TNPI is working closely with the City of Burlington to ensure road safety, all permitting is in place, and that traffic disruptions are kept to a minimum. The work area will be fully fenced for safety, and pedestrian traffic along the access path will be safely re-routed with signage on site. The main trail will be closed for the duration of the project. The re-routed route will be the walking trail through Sherwood...
Posted on Wednesday, July 20, 2022 11:30 AM
General Overview
The City of Burlington has completed the West Aldershot Erosion Control Class Environmental Assessment (EA) study to address erosion concerns and produce detail design for erosion control works within the study area. This study was completed as a 'Schedule B' project in compliance with the Municipal Engineers Association Class EA process.
Associated Engineering was retained to complete this Environmental Assessment for the city. This study identified the needs and opportunities for the implementation of erosion control mitigation measures for West Aldershot Creek between Fairwood Place and Lake Ontario. The Class EA Study developed and evaluated a variety of remedial measures to address erosion issues, infrastructure protection and enhancement of aquatic and riparian habitats.
During this study, the existing conditions were assessed, and possible mitigation measures were evaluated and presented to the public, stakeholders and regulating agencies for comments at various...
Posted on Wednesday, July 20, 2022 11:26 AM
The City of Burlington is undertook a Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) on Tuck Creek to assess flooding and identify crossing and channel upgrades between New Street and Spruce Avenue.
The study was undertaken as a result of the extreme weather event of Aug. 4, 2014, during which crossings at New Street, Regal Road, and Spruce Avenue were overtopped by flood waters. The city previously undertook a Class EA for erosion control on Tuck Creek within the same study area.
The flood study was conducted as a 'Schedule B' project in compliance with the Municipal Engineers Association document Municipal Class Environmental Assessment and is addressing Phases 1 and 2 of the Class EA Process.
The Class Environmental Assessment established recommendations, leading to Municipally-led capital works to address flooding and erosion risks. A set of alternative solutions were evaluated and presented to the public and agencies for comment at various points throughout the study. The study...
Posted on Wednesday, July 20, 2022 11:23 AM
General Overview
The City of Burlington has hired Aquafor Beech Limited to do a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) to study the risk of erosion related to three reaches of Tuck Creek. The study will look at erosion, protect infrastructure and private properties, and enhance the natural heritage along Tuck Creek.
The existing bank is not able to protect the local area from storm overflow and there are many areas of the banks that have eroded. Local residential properties could be impacted as identified in the City – Wide Creek Erosion Inventory and Erosion Assessment (2016). We will investigate solutions such as channel restoration and stabilization of Tuck Creek, natural channel design and native restoration practices.
The Tuck Creek Erosion Control Municipal Class Environmental Assessment will be done as a Schedule B Project in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment which is an approved process under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. The Class EA...
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