Connections and Transfers

With Burlington Transit, we make it simple to connect to your destination, whether you are travelling within Burlington or beyond the city.


If you are travelling within two hours, you can complete your trip on one fare with Burlington Transit. We offer transfers that are available at time of boarding and are good for travel in any direction, including stopovers. If you are using PRESTO, your transfer is automatically applied to your card. Paper transfers are accepted from other GTHA transit agencies at any bus stop until they are expired.

Connecting to another transit system? Make sure you check their fare rules and regulations before you start your trip. Each transit service has their own set of fare rules that may be different from Burlington Transit.

Transfer terms and conditions

  • A paper transfer is issued only at the time fare is paid.
  • Your transfer is valid for unlimited travel until the time of expiry, as indicated on the transfer.
  • Expiry time is 120 minutes (or two hours) from when you board the first bus.
  • Expired paper transfers will not be accepted. There are no exceptions.
  • You must present a complete paper transfer to the operator at time of boarding.
  • We do not accept mutilated paper transfers.
  • We will not re-issue paper transfers.
  • Paper transfers have no cash value and are non-refundable.
  • Paper transfers are only valid for use by the passenger to whom the original paper transfer was issued. Passing paper transfers to others for payment or otherwise is strictly prohibited.
  • Fraudulent use of transfers is punishable by law.

In case of dispute

In case of dispute, please:

  1. Pay the full fare.
  2. Keep the disputed transfer and record the bus number, date and time of the occurrence. If you are a PRESTO card user, note the serial number on the back of your card.
  3. Contact us.

GO Discount Fares (Co-Fare)

Ride Burlington Transit for free when you combine your trip with GO Transit services. Use a PRESTO card  or PRESTO contactless and you will automatically get the free co-fare.

Learn more about Ontario’s One Fare program

For example, if you take Burlington Transit first:

  1. Ride Burlington Transit and pay your fare.
  2. Get on GO Transit and your GO Transit fare will be discounted by the value of your Burlington Transit fare.

For example, if you take GO Transit first:

  1. Travel on GO Transit and pay your fare.
  2. Get on a Burlington Transit bus and it’s the same as a transfer - you don’t pay anything extra!

PRESTO cards and PRESTO contactless give you your GO discount fare and are accepted when transferring to/from the bus at GO rail stations and GO bus connections. You can also use a valid GO single ride ticket or GO day pass can also to ride free on Burlington Transit when connecting to/from GO Transit. Just make sure you show the driver your paper ticket!

Learn more about Ontario’s One Fare program


Did you know that you can take transit to travel beyond the City of Burlington? There are many options to connect from Burlington Transit to other public transit providers, including:

  • Connections within Burlington
  • Connections to Oakville and Hamilton with GO Transit and your PRESTO card
  • Connections to GO Transit trains and buses that travel to Hamilton, Brantford, Mississauga, Milton, the Niagara Region and Toronto
  • Connections to VIA Rail trains that travel throughout Canada

Transit to Hamilton and Oakville

Burlington Transit connects with Hamilton Street Railway (HSR) and Oakville Transit. Together, they run services throughout our three communities. If you have a PRESTO card, you can transfer between all three cities on one fare within a two-hour transfer period.

In Burlington, you can transfer between the three communities at:

  • Downtown Terminal (430 John St.)
  • Aldershot GO station
  • Appleby GO station
  • 407 carpool lot

Share routes include:

  • Hamilton Downtown - Route 1 (Plains Road)
  • Hamilton East - HSR Route 11 (Lakeshore Road)
  • Hamilton Waterdown - HSR Route 18 (Waterdown Road)
  • Oakville North - Oakville Transit Route 5 (Dundas Street)
  • Oakville Downtown - Oakville Transit Route 14/14A (Burloak Drive and Lakeshore Road)

Specialized Transit

If you are a Specialized Transit user, you can transfer between Burlington Transit and HSR or Oakville at designated Specialized Transit locations.

GO Transit

Burlington Transit connects to the following GO stations with trains and buses running out of the city:

  • Aldershot station
  • Appleby station
  • Burlington station
  • 407 carpool lot

You can connect with a GO station to ride a bus to:

  • Hamilton
  • McMaster University and Brantford
  • Mississauga and Milton
  • Niagara Region and further

You can connect with a GO station to ride a train along:

  • Lakeshore West - Hamilton to Union Station
  • Niagara route to Niagara Falls

Visit GO Transit for the latest service schedules.

VIA Rail

VIA Rail provides train service throughout Canada with connections to the U.S.


  1. Take Burlington Transit's Route 4 to get to the Aldershot GO station.
  2. Transfer onto the VIA Rail system.
  3. Catch a VIA Rail train at the Aldershot station.