Health and Safety Notices


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City of Burlington continues to closely monitor COVID-19 and take action to help protect City staff and residents.

For further Coronavirus (COVID-19) information, please visit Halton Region Public Health

image of tree canopy with camera looking up into limbs

2023 Street Tree Pruning Program

Posted on Friday, June 23, 2023 01:47 PM

The City of Burlington’s annual street tree pruning program is underway.

Our pruning program is very important work that protects our urban tree canopy and has many other benefits, besides protecting our urban tree canopy:

  1. It’s safer and easier for emergency response vehicles (FIRE, EMS, police), snowplows, garbage trucks and other utility vehicles to get around neighbourhoods to deliver important services our residents rely on.
  2. It makes sure there are clear site lines around intersections and driveways and makes traffic signs more visible for everyone’s safety.

A properly pruned tree has a better chance of making it through a storm and other significant weather events. Fewer broken tree limbs and trees means more trees stay in the ground and off the ground!

The City has and works with certified arborists to prune municipal trees. They are highly trained and qualified experts and they follow the City’s approved Tree Pruning Standards and International Society of Arboriculture best...

Media Release: Emergency Preparedness Week and National Youth Week: Building Resiliency

Posted on Monday, May 04, 2020 06:30 AM

Burlington, Ont.—May 4, 2020— With the current COVID-19 pandemic emergency situation, Emergency Preparedness Week’s theme of “Putting on your resiliency backpack” and being prepared for an emergency is more important than ever.

The best thing residents can do to protect themselves and the community is stay home, practice physical distancing and use online tools for social connectedness.

In an emergency, protecting yourself from mental stress and harm is just as important as protecting yourself from physical harm.

Within the page, there are several organizations offering mental health supports and resources across the City. Many workplaces also offer similar resources and supports through workplace employee assistance programs.

If you do not have access to the internet, you can dial 311 to get the number for an organization that will best suit your needs. If it is an emergency and you feel your life or someone else’s life or well being is in immediate danger,...

Statement from the Mayor, Mayor launches Burlington COVID-19 Task Force

Posted on Monday, April 06, 2020 10:00 AM

Today I launched the Burlington COVID-19 Task Force with the goal of further supporting our community through this unprecedented health crisis.

The Task Force will share information and mobilize community and agency resources to support our hospital and healthcare workers as we prepare for the anticipated surge of patients in the coming weeks and the recovery period to follow, as well as coordinate our broader community efforts on COVID-19. Members will bring information and/or requests for assistance back to each of their own organizations and emergency response tables.

While this information-sharing and collaboration is already happening, the Task Force will formalize and add structure to this effort as we collectively serve our community over the coming weeks and months.

Membership includes community leaders and decision-makers representing various organizations and agencies involved in the COVID-19 response. New members may be added as needs evolve. Each participant is likely to be a...

City Decision-Making through COVID-19 Emergency

Posted on Wednesday, April 01, 2020 04:30 AM

Earlier this week the City of Burlington announced that we would extend the closures of City Hall, administration facilities, recreation facilities and parks through the end of June. While decisions like this continue to be made on a daily basis in response to the ever-changing situation with COVID-19, the way the City makes these decisions looks different than it has in the past.

The City wants to ensure the people of Burlington have a full understanding of what is happening behind the scenes during this emergency, and that we provide transparency about how issues are raised, and decisions are made during this challenging time.

City Council continues to be responsible for overall governance of the City and strategic decisions. Emergency-related and time-sensitive decisions that are being made on a daily, and sometimes hourly basis and relate primarily to operational issues are being managed by the city’s Emergency Control Group.

From a Municipal governance perspective, City Council is...

Update on OP timelines and processing of development applications as a result of COVID-19

Posted on Friday, March 27, 2020 11:30 AM

In these unprecedented times, it has been necessary for the City to make changes to various timelines and processes related to Planning and Building and By-law matters. To that end, the public meeting scheduled for April 14 on the official downtown policies has been pushed to fall to better enable the public and all stakeholders an opportunity to provide full feedback to staff and Council as decision makers, in a public and accountable forum. The City is currently processing development applications and building permit applications received by March 13. The Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) has suspended all LPAT hearings until the end of June. As a result of COVID-19, processes for building inspections have been modified accordingly to keep both staff and the public safe.

Official Plan Update

Over the past few months, the Official Plan project team with help from planning firm, SGL Planning and Design, have been working on developing detailed policies. The endorsed land use vision...