This City is planning for Burlington’s future today. Our city is changing and there is work to be done to reach our long-term aspirational goals. The City is planning for future population growth to make sure we continue to be a community with the highest possible quality of living. The actions we take now will provide our city with a strong foundation for today and the future. With community feedback in mind, the City is making key investments and commitments for Burlington.
Burlington Council and the Burlington Leadership Team will work towards common objectives in partnership with our community to address our changing city and contribute to the quality of life for residents.
Burlington’s Plan From Vision to Focus 2022-2026 is the City’s 4-year work plan. This work plan details key goals and actions required to move priorities forward during this term of Council.
The Vision to Focus work plan prioritizes key strategic directions from Burlington’s long-term 25-year Strategic Plan. To make that happen, this work plan takes into consideration the wide range of programs and 39 City Services delivered to the community and the commitment we have in delivering trusted, effective and efficient services to everyone.
City resources will be aligned to ensure progress is made in the 4 identified focus areas.
As of December 2023
Focus Area 1 - Designing and delivering complete communities |
Our objective is to… Create all-inclusive, thriving, vibrant, healthy, connected, and safe communities with our commitment to…
Focus Area 2 – Providing the best services and experiences |
Our objective is to… Deliver quality services to meet the diverse needs of our customers and foster the highest quality of life with our commitment to…
Focus Area 3 – Protecting and improving the natural environment and taking action on climate change |
Our objective is to… Establish sustainable, healthy and low-carbon climate resilient communities with our commitment to…
Focus Area 4 – Driving organizational performance |
Our objective is to… Attract and retain high-performing employees to deliver the best services and experiences through our commitment to…
Burlington’s Plan From Vision to Focus 2022-2026 will be monitored. Updates will go to Burlington Council on a regular basis and progress evaluated and reviewed. There may be changes along the way, such as: global, regional, and city circumstances changing, events occurring, and other levels of government influencing updates to the work plan. Some initiatives identified in the Vision to Focus work plan may go beyond the 4-year term and will be carried over into future years for continued implementation.
Updates to let Burlington residents know achievements and progress on the plan will be shared as available.
Past reports and updates |