Service Burlington is the City of Burlington's customer contact centre, located at City Hall.
At the Service Burlington counter, you can: |
To book a marriage license or commissioning appointment, Visit the Marriage Licences page and Commissioning page or call 905-335-7777 or email Service Burlington. In-person service is also available at the Building Renovating and Licensing counter on the main floor of City Hall, at 426 Brant St., for services related to:
Open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. No appointment needed. |
Do you need a service that is not listed above? Call 905-335-7777 or email Service Burlington before your visit.
Recreation, Community and Culture customer service is available to assist you in person at recreation facility counters during program times.
Request City services through the Customer Web Portal below. If your request is not listed below, call 905-335-7777 or email
Service Burlington Payment methods |
Service Burlington Drop Boxes |
The City has two secure drop boxes where cheques and other non-negotiable items can be deposited for City staff and elected officials. Drop boxes are located:
Each drop box is emptied daily during business hours and items are delivered to City facilities and offices through the inter-office mail system. Inter-office mail is not delivered to employee homes if they are hybrid workers outside of the office. If your item is time-sensitive, contact the person it is for and make sure they are available to receive it at a City facility or office. Seal your item in an envelope and label it with the full name and department that this item is for. |
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