The City of Burlington focuses on high quality, efficient and economical service delivery to make Burlington one of the best places to live in Canada. Our service delivery plans help us prioritize services according to your needs to bring you the most value for your tax dollars.
Each year, we review how much money we invested into each service and how much of that service we delivered. This service-based budgeting and reporting helps us decide how much to invest in each service going forward.
We use the Results-Based Accountability tool to measure how effectively and efficiently we have delivered each service. Our goal is to ensure that our residents are getting the best value and service for their municipal tax dollars.
View our 2023 service delivery plans for each of our Strategic Plan's directions and priorities. There are 37 service areas in the City of Burlington. These areas help deliver services to the community and customers. The City shares its service delivery plans for accountability and understanding of how we reach our City’s Vision 2040.
View our service delivery plans for development projects and infrastructure growth.
View our service delivery plans related to transportation and transit.
View our service delivery plans for arts, culture and engagement programs.
View our service delivery plans for a more environmentally friendly and sustainable community.
View out our service delivery plans designed to keep our community safe.
View our service delivery plans to support our business operations.
View our service delivery plans to support our internal governance processes.