Building |
Responsible for:
- Building code information
- Building inspections
- Business licensing
- Building, plumbing, heating, swimming pool, septic system and sign permits
Burlington Digital Services |
Responsible for internal technical support, including:
- Business application management and support
- Desktop hardware and software support
- Security
- Training and general consulting
Burlington Digital Services also manages the City's:
- Data centres
- Email
- Internet access
- Network
- Telephone systems
Burlington Land Partnerships |
Responsible for:
- Addressing multiple areas of municipal strategic land management including acquisition and development.
- Achieving tangible and measurable community benefits and returns in three areas: supporting economic growth and direct job creation, completing “city building” projects and delivering much needed affordable housing.
Bylaw Compliance
Responsible for:
- By-law enforcement
- Including by-law complaints and investigations
City Auditor
The City Auditor is independent of the City of Burlington administration and reports directly to City Council through the Audit Committee, ensuring its work is completed freely and objectively.
Audits typically answer questions around:
- Efficiency and effectiveness of city operations and program delivery
- Safeguarding of assets
- Integrity and reliability of financial and operational information
- Compliance with laws and regulations
Communications and Engagement
Responsible for our brand and reputation management. Their roles include:
- Developing and implementing public engagement programs
- Developing a variety of communications materials, including print, web, video and social media
- Media relations
Community Planning
Responsible for:
- Niagara Escarpment Commission applications
- Our Official Plan and other planning policies that provide guidance for City development
- Parkway belt applications
- Rezoning applications
- Site plan applications
- Subdivision and condominium applications
Corporate Strategy and Business Improvement |
Responsible for:
- Providing ongoing support and coordination of the vision, mission, values, goals and objectives in the City’s strategic planning.
- Building capabilities within the organization, through leadership and support of enterprise approaches, in innovation, project management, change and continuous improvement.
Customer Experience
Responsible for:
- Unifying City’s customer service initiatives.
- Improving and transforming our customers’ overall experience at the City.
Engineering Services
Responsible for managing:
- Coordination of corporate initiatives to green city operations
- Designing and construction of all roads, sidewalks, parks, open spaces, bridges and sewers
- Environmental issues
- Geomatics
- Infrastructure management and engineering reviews for subdivisions, site plans and re-zonings
- Policy development
Facilities, Assets, Sustainability
Responsible for:
- Design and construction of new facilities and capital renewal of existing facilities and building systems
- Long-term facility asset management and capital planning
- Energy management, monitoring and reporting, including the Climate Action Plan, the Corporate Energy and Emissions Management Plan and the Climate Resilient Burlington – A Plan for Adapting to Our Warmer Wetter and Wilder Weather
- Support corporate environmental sustainability initiatives
Responsible for financial and accounting management including:
- Budgets
- Collecting taxes and other revenues
- Financial reporting
- Tax certificates and assessment review
- Tenders and general purchasing
Responsible for:
- Fire prevention education
- Fire safety inspections
- The prevention and suppression of fires
- Emergency and rescue services
Government Relations
Responsible for:
- Providing advocacy and advice for the City of Burlington’s relations with all levels of government.
- Developing relationships and seeking funding with key government stakeholders to advance the city’s strategic priorities.
Human Resources
Responsible for:
- Attracting and retaining City employees
- Employee benefits
- Employee health and safety
- Pay research
- Staff and labour relations
- Staff training and development
Legal Services and Halton Court Services
Responsible for:
- Negotiating development and subdivision agreements
- Preparing business contracts
- Representing the City before the Ontario Municipal Board and courts
Legislative Services
Responsible for:
- Assessment rolls and bylaws
- Maintaining corporate records
- Conducting municipal elections
- Providing commissioner of oath services
- Providing support for Council and Committees
Recreation, Community and Culture
Responsible for all matters relating to:
- Parks and facilities
- Recreation and culture services
Risk Management
Responsible for:
- Improving the effectiveness of governance processes.
- Supporting the organization in the identification, assessment, and reporting of risks to strengthen the achievement of the City’s strategic priorities.
Roads, Parks and Forestry
Responsible for the maintenance of:
- Streets and sidewalks
- Parks and playgrounds
- Storm sewers and creeks
- Snow clearing
- Forestry
- Cemetery operations
- City signs production
- Fleet services
Responsible for managing:
- Transit route network including scheduling, operations and maintenance of transit vehicles.
- Handi-Van paratransit system
Responsible for the delivery of various road-related services. These services include:
- The traffic signal system
- Traffic services
- Transportation planning
- Parking bylaw enforcement
- Downtown parking