Each winter, the City of Burlington provides snow removal services throughout the city. Our fleet of snow clearing equipment and crews strive to clear roads and sidewalks as quickly and efficiently as possible. We maintain 1,900 km of roads and 850 km of sidewalks in all.
Follow and subscribe to our snow control updates to get the latest information about snow and ice clearing operations throughout the city whenever a Snow Event occurs. We provide status updates at 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. during Snow Events.
If you would like to make a snow clearing request, please wait 24 hours after a snowstorm has ended before contacting us. Our snow clearing staff concentrate on primary and secondary routes before reaching residential roads. You can reach us during regular business hours by phone at 905-335-7777 or by email at city@burlington.ca.
Learn about our winter parking rules during Snow Events. Remember, all on-street parking is not permitted during declared Snow Events. You may not park on the street until we declare that the Snow Event is over.
View our snow removal plan, including:
We offer windrow clearing services for Burlington residents with disabilities or individuals unable to clear their windrow(s) with no other able-bodied person living at the address. Windrow is snow that is left at the bottom of driveways by road plows.