Burlington Transit offers adults, ages 65 and older, free transit all day, every day.
To ride for free, you need to tap your PRESTO card. By using the PRESTO card, it shows our drivers that you get to ride for free without being asked for I.D. to prove your age. It also helps us know who’s riding the bus, when and where so we can offer you better service. And if you have a concern about Burlington Transit, it can help us to help you with your concern. If you don’t have a PRESTO card, you may be asked to pay a full cash fare.
You can get a new PRESTO card in your Apple Wallet or Google Wallet for free through the PRESTO app or directly from your phone’s Wallet app. A physical PRESTO card costs $4.00 and this fee is non-refundable.
Physical PRESTO cards can be purchased at Burlington Transit Customer Service, GO stations and Shoppers Drug Mart.
To learn more about setting up a Child, Youth, or Senior fare type on your PRESTO card, visit the PRESTO Fare Types page.