View Burlington Transit schedules, routes and real-time bus information online, download print-friendly maps and schedules, and plan your customized trip with us!
Using the MyRide application, you can plan your ride with Burlington Transit on your computer or mobile device. You can also track your bus, sign up for alerts and arrival times and find buses near you.
Can't access MyRide online? We also offer call-in and texting services to find out the next bus arrival time.
We provide real-time bus arrival times online. Enter your stop, address or landmark, or browse through Burlington Transit arrival listings.
Find downloadable and printable transit schedules, system maps, late night routes and terminal maps, and use Google Maps or Apple Maps to plan where you're going.
Did you know that you can take transit to travel beyond the City of Burlington? There are many options to connect from Burlington Transit to other public transit providers, including: