
You can pay your Burlington Transit (BT) fare with a physical PRESTO card, a PRESTO card in Apple Wallet or Google Wallet, by tapping a contactless credit or debit card, or with cash.

Free fare programs

We offer free fares* for:

*You must tap your PRESTO card.

Paying with cash

The single ride fare for customers aged 13 and older, when paying cash, is $3.50. Please use exact change as our drivers cannot make change.

Paying with PRESTO contactless

Paying with your debit card, VISA, MasterCard or American Express through PRESTO contactless.

The single ride fare for customers 13 years and older is $3.50.  You can use your physical credit card or card loaded in your mobile wallet to pay your fare. If transferring, please use the same card so you are not charged twice.

Fare discount programs do not apply when paying with your debit or credit card, but you are eligible for the co-fare program with GO Transit when connecting to and from Burlington Transit

Paying with your PRESTO card

The single ride fare when using your PRESTO card is:

  • $1.90 for youth ages 13 to 19 weekdays before 6 p.m.
  • $2.75 for adults ages 20 - 64
  • Adults 65+ ride free
  • Children 12 and under ride free when you tap your PRESTO card or are travelling with your parent or guardian

To pay with your PRESTO card, board the bus and tap your card against the PRESTO machine. The machines can only read one card at a time. Have your card in your hand: the PRESTO machine cannot read your card if you tap your wallet or purse with the card inside.

Burlington Transit loyalty program

With our loyalty program, you can ride Burlington Transit for free using your PRESTO card! If you are a frequent transit user, you will never pay more than the cost of a monthly pass each month if you use your card.

Each time you purchase a fare with your PRESTO card, it will track your number of trips. It will stop charging you a fare after 40 full fare rides per calendar month. This program applies to paying riders of all age categories (youth, adult and senior).

GO Discount Fares (Co-Fare)

Ride Burlington Transit for free when you combine your trip with GO Transit services. Use a PRESTO card or PRESTO contactless and you will automatically get the free co-fare.

Learn more about Ontario’s One Fare program

For example, if you take Burlington Transit first:

  1. Ride Burlington Transit and pay your fare.
  2. Get on GO Transit and your GO Transit fare will be discounted by the value of your Burlington Transit fare.

For example, if you take GO Transit first:

  1. Travel on GO Transit and pay your fare.
  2. Get on a Burlington Transit bus and it’s the same as a transfer - you don’t pay anything extra!

PRESTO cards and PRESTO contactless give you your GO discount fare and are accepted when transferring to/from the bus at GO rail stations and GO bus connections. You can also use a valid GO single ride ticket or GO day pass can also to ride free on Burlington Transit when connecting to/from GO Transit. Just make sure you show the driver your paper ticket!