You have three options if you have received a ticket with Halton Court Services under the Provincial Offences Act:
If you do not wish to contest the charge, you can enter a plea of guilty and pay the fine. Sign the back of your ticket under 'Option 1' and pay your fine within 30 days of receiving your ticket. You must pay the full amount indicated in the 'Total Payable' section of your ticket. This includes the set fine, costs and Victim Fine Surcharge.
You can choose to select an early resolution meeting with the prosecutor. This allows you to ask for a meeting with the prosecutor to discuss the possible resolution of the charge without having to go to trial. You do not give up your right to trial with this option.
You or a representative can submit your Option 2 selection online or check off option 2 on your offence notice and submit by mail or in-person with a copy of the office notice at:
Halton Provincial Offences Office
4085 Palladium Way
Burlington ON, L7M 2A6
When submitting your early resolution selection, you must select Option 2 and record any change to your address at the bottom. We must receive your Option 2 selection request within 30 days after you receive your ticket.
To dispute the charge, you or a representative can check off Option 3 on the notice or fill out a Notice of Intention to Appear form and submit within 30 days of receiving the ticket.
Submit your form and notice by email at or by mail or in-person at:
Halton Provincial Offences Office
4085 Palladium Way
Burlington ON, L7M 2A6
When submitting your trial selection, you must select Option 3 on the offence notice and record any change to your address at the bottom. Or fill out and submit the completed Notice of Intention to Appear Form. Once your trial request has been filed with Halton Court Services, a trial date will be scheduled and mailed to you.