Virtual Court Proceedings

The Halton Provincial Offences Office is currently open for in-person or virtual proceedings.

Connecting to virtual court proceedings

To connect to a virtual (Zoom) court proceeding, you will need:

  • A phone or device capable of connecting to the internet
  • Internet access
  • Audio and/or video capability

You may login up to half an hour before your scheduled appearance time to speak with the prosecutor. Check which courtroom number you have been provided for your appearance and follow the instructions to enter below.

Attending a virtual court proceeding in Courtroom 102

There are three ways you can connect to a virtual court proceeding in Courtroom 102:

Video conference link option one

  1. Connect to Courtroom 102's video conference link
  2. Enter the Meeting ID: 957 1111 3596
  3. Enter the Passcode: 047781

Video conference link option two

  1. Connect to Courtroom 102's video conference link
  2. Enter the Meeting ID: 957 1111 3596
  3. Enter the Passcode: 047781

Dial-in with your phone (if you are unable to connect to the internet)

  1. Dial-in to Courtroom 102's proceeding with your phone at: 1-647-374-4685 or 1-647-558-0588
  2. Enter the Meeting ID: 957 1111 3596
  3. Enter the Passcode: 047781

Attending a virtual court proceeding in Courtroom 201

There are three ways you can connect to a virtual court proceeding in Courtroom 201:

Video conference link option one

  1. Connect to Courtroom 201's video conference link
  2. Enter the Meeting ID: 886 6958 7245
  3. Enter the Passcode: 616669

Video conference link option two

  1. Connect to Courtroom 201's video conference link 
  2. Enter the Meeting ID: 886 6958 7245
  3. Enter the Passcode: 616669

Dial-in with your phone (if you are unable to connect to the internet)

  1. Dial-in to Courtroom 201's proceeding with your phone at: 1-647-374-4685 or 1-647-558-0588
  2. Enter the Meeting ID: 886 6958 7245
  3. Enter the Passcode: 616669

Attending a virtual court proceeding in Courtroom 203

There are three ways you can connect to a virtual court proceeding in Courtroom 203:

Video conference link option one

  1. Connect to Courtroom 203's video conference link
  2. Enter the Meeting ID: 940 7547 6687
  3. Enter the Passcode: 004991

Video conference link option two

  1. Connect to Courtroom 203's video conference link 
  2. Enter the Meeting ID: 940 7547 6687
  3. Enter the Passcode: 004991

Dial-in with your phone (if you are unable to connect to the internet)

  1. Dial-in to Courtroom 203's proceeding with your phone at: 1-647-374-4685 or 1-647-558-0588
  2. Enter the Meeting ID: 940 7547 6687
  3. Enter the Passcode: 004991

If you need assistance

If you do not have access to a personal telephone or computer, or if you would like to request a disability-related accommodation, or if you need assistance, contact us before your scheduled appearance date by phone at 905-637-1274 or by email at

Virtual etiquette and guide for defendants

View the Ontario Court of Justice's Remote Court Appearances Guide for information on how to conduct yourself in preparation for and during a remote hearing.

Please note that the recording, publishing, broadcasting, reproducing, photographing or otherwise distributing video, audio or any photography of any remote hearing is prohibited.

Guide for defendants

View the Ontario Court of Justice's Guide for Defendants in Provincial Offences Cases for general information about the court process, including:

  • Getting legal advice
  • What you have been charged with and your options
  • What to do before the trial date
  • What to do if you can't attend the scheduled date
  • Trial overview and what to expect on the day of the trial
  • Order of trials
  • Appeals
  • Re-opening a proceeding

Submitting exhibits for trial proceedings

We accept exhibits, to be filed for trial proceedings only, by email or in-person at our Halton Provincial Offences Office at 4085 Palladium Way, Burlington. Submit exhibits no later than five business days before the trial day. You must include the full name of the sender and a contact phone number with your exhibit(s).

Submitting exhibits via email

You may submit exhibit files via email to us at and you must follow the following requirements and instructions:

  • We only accept file formats of Word and PDF for documents, JPEG and PDF for photos, MP4, AVI, MKV and MOV for video, and MP3, MP4, WAV and WMA for audio
  • The largest video size accepted through email is 15 mb
  • The format for the subject line of the email is:
    TRIAL: dd/mm/yyyy Last Name, First Name (for example: TRIAL: 25/12/2021 Smith, Joe)
  • Each document, video or photo must be separately attached and labelled in the following format (DEF = Defendant and PROS = Prosecution):
    Last Name, First Name Photo #1 - Location - DEF or PROS (for example: Smith, Joe Photo #1 - Intersection Main Street and First Avenue - DEF)

Submitting exhibits in-person

You may submit exhibits in-person at 4085 Palladium Way, Burlington, including videos over 15 mb and printed materials that cannot be sent by email. Please label all files in the same format as above.

Contacting the prosecutor

If you have received a ticket (or Part 1 POA - offence notice) and wish to discuss it with the prosecutor or obtain disclosure (facts of the case), contact the municipal prosecutor at

If you have received a summons (or Part 3 POA - summons) and wish to discuss it with the prosecutor or obtain disclosure (facts of the case), contact the provincial prosecutor at