King Paving & Construction Ltd. |
Applicant’s Representative: Leo DeLoyde DeLoyde Development Solutions (705) 498-9229 |
These applications will permit an asphalt plant with outdoor storage, a 232 m2 operation building, unenclosed silos and a heated rotary drum. Vehicular access is proposed along the east side of the property that extends northerly to the existing landfill site. The proposed development will have 6 surface parking spaces.
Elyse Meneray |
Community Planning 426 Brant St., Burlington, ON L7R 3Z6 905-335-7777, ext. 7462 |
Official Plan Amendment: 505-04/24
Zoning By-law Amendment: 520-09/24
Pre-Application Community Meeting |
Jan. 20, 2022, 1 - 2:30 p.m. (Virtual Meeting) |