The City of Burlington is simplifying how right-of-way occupancy permits are processed. As of Jan. 1, 2023, a separate Road Occupancy Permit for construction projects is no longer needed and will be included in the Municipal Consent permit. This will provide better road, sidewalk and boulevard management during a construction project. This is good news for residents to lessen impacts in their neighbourhood. The change will also make it easier and faster to process an application. This will better serve our development community, utility owners and regional partners.
Anyone doing work involving a City-owned right-of-way such as a road, sidewalk or boulevard needs a permit. This could include utilities, road construction or other work. As of Jan. 1, 2023, requests to occupy the right-of-way for more than five days will be completed under a Municipal Consent (MC) permit, according to By-law 065-2021: A by-law to regulate the construction, road cuts and road occupancies on City-owned road allowances, or other property owned by the City.
Fees with new MC permits are found in the Rates and Fees By-law.
All applications can be submitted through
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Scott Hamilton, Director of Engineering Services
“Construction projects can create issues with the roads, sidewalks and the flow of traffic. This change to how we process permits will allow for better planning and oversight. We want to help minimize impacts to residents and simplify the process for our business community. Creating a better outcome for our community is important to our work.”
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Communications contact:
Jeff Crowder
Communications Advisor