The City of Burlington, through their consultant Ecosystem Recovery Inc., is undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) to address erosion concerns for Grindstone Creek, between Unsworth Avenue and Sumac Drive in the City of Burlington. - see the Study Area Plan.
The objective of the study is to provide recommendations to reduce erosion and protect the natural heritage in the area. This study must follow the requirements of the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act as a project that will follow the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment 'Schedule B' process. Through this process, the existing conditions and problems will be fully documented. The Class Environmental Assessment will recommend a set of alternative solutions that will be evaluated and presented to the public and agencies for comments.
We would like to hear from you about this study
Comments and information about the study are being collected to help the City of Burlington to meet the requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act. This material will be kept on file for use during the study and may be included in study documentation.
A key part of the study is consultation with the public, landowners and regulatory agencies. The Public Information Centre (PIC) will allow for the opportunity for owners and tenants to review the study's alternative solutions, evaluations, preferred alternative, proposed design and construction timing, as well as for owners to discuss any questions with respect to the project.
Location: LaSalle Banquet Centre, The Bayshore Room (50 North Shore Blvd, Burlington, L7T 4G9)
Date: Thursday, February 6, 2020
Time: 6:30 to 8 p.m. There will NOT be a presentation.
Public Information Centre Presentation Boards (PDF)
Notice of Study Commencement (PDF)
Notice of Study Completion (PDF)
Grindstone Creek Erosion Control Class EA Report (PDF)
Arif Shahzad, M.Eng, P.Eng.
Senior Project Manager
Capital Works - Development and Stormwater Management
905-335-7600, ext. 7486
Teresa Giangregorio, CET
Stormwater Management Technologist
Capital Works - Development and Stormwater Management
905-335-7600, ext. 7891
Wolfgang Wolter
Senior Project Manager
Ecosystem Recovery Inc.