The City of Burlington will be addressing two stormwater culverts in need of replacement located near the intersection of the North Service Road and King Road. The work will restore the stormwater drainage network along the Indian Creek tributary.
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Lane restrictions and detoured routes will be in place during construction. Local businesses will still have access to their businesses. During this project construction, road closures are anticipated to maintain roadway safety. Road closure dates and durations are specified below and will be provided through project mailouts. For more information, please see the Information for Businesses and Homeowners section below.
The City of Burlington will be working on:
Location | Scope | Tentative schedule |
North Service Road (East of North Service Road and King Road Intersection), including MTO Right of Way work. |
End of November 2023 to March 2024. |
King Road
(North of North Service Road and King Road Intersection) |
March 1, 2024 to March 29, 2024. |
Note: The construction schedule outlined is tentative and subject to change. Additional information will be updated throughout the project.
Day-to-day construction inquiries |
Tom Georgiadis Construction Inspector 905-220-1693 |
All other construction inquiries |
Chris Onishi Project Manager 905-335-7600, ext. 7682 |
Detour and road access |
During construction, road closures will take place near the North Service Road and King Road intersection. Detour signage will be in place prior to road closures. |
North Service Road closure |
The North Service Road closure limit will begin at the east side of the North Service Road and King Road intersection and will end 150 meters east of the intersection. Detoured traffic will be directed to use King Road, Plains Road East, and Brant Street around the construction work area. Please refer to the detour maps provided below. The closure is scheduled to take place between January 15th, 2024 and March, 2024. |
King Road closure |
The King Road closure limit will begin at the north side of the North Service Road and King Road intersection and will end 200 meters north and end before King Forest Court. Detoured traffic will be directed to use King Road, Great Falls Boulevard, Mountain Brow Road, and Waterdown Road around the construction work area. The closure is scheduled to start at the beginning of March 2024 and be complete by the end of March 2024. |
Deliveries |
During construction, businesses impacted by the road closures on the North Service Road and King Road are encouraged to review the detour routes and schedule their deliveries accordingly. |
The following information may be helpful If you are concerned about a construction project in your neighbourhood.
Parking |
During construction, the five-hour maximum limit for street parking will not apply when your driveway is inaccessible or closed. In this situation, please park on neighbouring streets, where there is no construction. Please do not:
Please obey all parking regulations to make sure you don't receive a ticket. If you have any questions about parking, please contact Parking Services at 905-335-7816. |
Garbage pickup |
Please continue to put your garbage and recycling out on the usual day. It is the contractor's responsibility to move your garbage to a location that can be easily picked up by the garbage truck and return your garbage containers. To help the contractor return your bins to you, we ask that you write your house number on your garbage cans, recycling bins and green carts. |
Access to your home |
During normal construction hours, Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., vehicle access to and from your property may be difficult, and driveways may be temporarily closed when work is being carried out in the immediate area. The inspector or contractor will notify you of this before the closure. |
Vibration |
There may be times when you feel some minor vibrations from construction equipment. We recommend that you remove small, light objects from shelving around the house to prevent damage. |
Lawn irrigation system |
If you have a lawn irrigation system, we recommend that you disconnect and remove any sprinkler heads within the city's road allowance. The city inspector will notify you if your system is affected. |
Project updates |
For more information about this project, contact:
Chris Onishi
Project Manager, Design and Construction
Tel. 905-335-7600, ext. 7682
Email Chris Onishi