Corbett Land Strategies Inc. |
Applicant’s Representative: Alicia Monteith, BES Manager of Development and Operations (289) 795-1052 |
The proposed development consists of the consolidation of two properties to facilitate the construction of two 3-storey, 6-unit walk-up multi-family buildings with a total of 12 dwelling units on the property. The driveway and parking area is proposed to accommodate 17 parking spaces and will be screened from street view by a parking screen and accessory building (garbage enclosure). The proposed development will also include an outdoor amenity space at the rear of the property that can be utilized by residents, as well as landscape buffers that will be adjacent to the existing low rise residential units to the north and east of the subject lands. The property is proposed to be fenced along the north, east, and west property lines.
Learn more about the Planning Process...
Benjamin Kissner |
Community Planning 426 Brant St., Burlington, ON L7R 3Z6 905-335-7777, ext. 7913 |
Pre-Application Community Meeting |
June 12, 2024, 6:30-8 p.m. |