Whether you're organizing a festival, community gathering, or private event, this page provides all the essential guidelines, and resources you need to ensure your event is successful and compliant with city regulations. From understanding the Festivals and Events Policy to accessing funding opportunities and vendor applications, you'll find everything you need to bring your event to life in Burlington.
Explore the perfect location for your event with our interactive mapping tool.
The Festivals and Events policy applies to all event organizers hosting events on City of Burlington property. The detailed policy can be found here.
This policy does not apply to events on private property or events on city property with the following provisions:
Below are a list of resources and requirements that will help assist with meeting your event needs.
Accessibility |
Accessibility is an important aspect to event planning to ensure everyone is welcome. Please review the For additional information on how to make your event accessible, please visit burlington.ca/accessibility or ontario.ca/accessibility or contact the Accessibility Coordinator at accessibleburlington@burlington.ca. |
Access to Existing Infrastructure |
Access to public areas within an event site must always be available to the public during an event such as: play structures, splash pads, permanent washroom facilities, pathways and parking lots. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Alcoholic Beverages and Liquor Licenses |
In addition to following regulations set by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) who is responsible for overseeing the administration of Special Occasion Permits (SOPs), the City of Burlington has added requirements identified in the Municipal Alcohol Policy (MAP). Additional insurance requirements are expected for events with alcohol |
Animals for Entertainment |
If you intend on having animals for entertainment at your event, you will require approval from the Halton Region Public Health Department. The application along with information is available at: Halton In addition, City of Burlington Animal Control requires all Event Organizers to complete an application for exemption of Animal Control By-Law 060-2005. For more information, visit burlington.ca/animalcontrol. |
Amusement Devices |
In Ontario, amusement devices are regulated through the Technical Standards and Safety Act (TSSA). The TSSA ensures all amusement devices conform to all applicable regulations, codes and standards. More information regarding the safety regulations is available at www.TSSA.org under the amusement devices section. Event Organizers operating on City property are required:
For more information regarding TSSA regulations contact: Technical Standards and Safety Authority |
Business Licences for Events |
Events are required to have their vendors obtain appropriate business licences. Applications and details can be found at burlington.ca/businesslicence. Vendors who fail to obtain proper licensing could result in appropriate action applied in accordance with By-law 42-2008. All business licence applications must be submitted and paid 30 days prior to event start date. Changes to initial vendor lists will be accepted up to 5 business days prior to the event start date. For more information contact: City of Burlington: Building and Bylaw Department |
Community Consultation and Notification |
Community Consultation and/or Resident Notification may be required for new events, significant changes to an existing event or events requesting to operate outside municipal by-laws at the expense of the Event Organizer. Questions can be directed to festivalsandevents@burlington.ca. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Damage to Municipal Property |
It is the Event Organizer’s responsibility to ensure that municipal property is protected. Any damage resulting in maintenance, repair or replacement to municipal property will be at the sole responsibility of the Event Organizer and billed directly. At times, a refundable damage deposit may be required. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Drones |
Drone(s) must comply with all Transport Canada drone regulations and protocols. Drone pilots must carry a valid drone pilot certificate, issued by Transport Canada, and only fly drones that are marked and registered. It is not recommended to fly a drone that does not require a drone pilot certificate at your event due to event participant privacy and safety. The inclusion of a drone(s) on municipal property must be approved by the City as part of your Event Application. For more information, visit Drone Safety at https://tc.canada.ca/en/aviation |
Electrical |
If an event has electrical components such as generator hook ups or transformer hook ups a permit from The Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) is required. ESA requires that an application for inspection be filed within 48 hours of any electrical activity being deployed on an event site. This is to comply with the Ontario Electrical Safety Code (Rules 2-004 – Inspection & 44-100 – Travelling Shows) which requires a wiring notification (permit) be obtained when any temporary wiring distribution system is set up. Permits may be obtained by visiting the ESA Customer Service Centre or by calling 1-877-ESA SAFE or (877) 372-7233. Generators larger than 12 kilowatts or 240 volts require an electrical permit and ESA inspection. The location of generators shall be positioned so as not to create a hazard, disturb or cause nuisance as the result of noise emissions and exhaust fumes. The use of generators at an event site is subject to inspection by the City of Burlington and the Electrical Safety Authority. For more information visit www.esasafe.com. |
Emergency Management Plan (EMP) |
An Emergency Management Plan (EMP) is a formal written plan developed by the Event Organizer which identifies emergencies that could impact the event and which describes the planned response to minimize the impacts and ensure public safety. The EMP has several benefits that will help your organization deliver a safe and successful event, it:
Any event taking place on municipal property must submit an EMP which will be reviewed by emergency services. Your City Staff Liaison can provide you with a template to assist with your EMP |
Fencing |
At no time is event fencing permitted to block access to residents’ property, driveways, parking lots, walkways or thoroughfares and must be kept clear of all temporary or permanent emergency access points and routes. Event Organizers wishing to install temporary non-ground-penetrating fencing are requested to indicate the positioning of all fence lines on their site plan/map. Approval of all event fencing must be obtained prior to installation. Note: Staking, spiking or digging into the ground, grass or concrete/pavement on municipal property is not allowed without proper approval. Please see the “Staking/Spiking & Digging” section for more information. |
Fireworks |
A permit is required from The City of Burlington’s Fire Department for all high-hazard fireworks displays (typically referred to as Display Fireworks). At a minimum, the City asks for:
Once you obtain your Fireworks permit, please request the City of Burlington fireworks plan implementation guideline. For additional safety tips and information, visit City of Burlington Fire Department. |
First Aid Services |
It is the responsibility of the Event Organizer to provide certified first aid personnel on-site, through a qualified agency or individual. In addition to having qualified first aid personnel on-site we recommend the following:
Food or Beverage Management |
Event Organizers are responsible to apply for a The Halton Region has additional information for Event Organizers which can be found in their Special Event Coordinator Requirements Guide. For more information contact: Halton Region Health Department Given that events may occur within surrounding business districts, we require the Event Organizer to engage with affected businesses and/or business improvement area (BIA) to ensure consideration and sympathetic placement for primary competitive products. Food VendorsPlease visit Requirements for Food Vendors on the Halton Region website for information. All food vendors require approval from Halton Region to participate in an event. Each vendor must complete a Food Vendor Application. Please refer to the section on Business Licences for how to apply for an appropriate business licence Fire Safety for Food VendorsThe Event Organizer is responsible to obtain a signed Vendor Fire Safety Requirements Form from all vendors at their event. The Event Organizer must keep signed copies in their event files. This requirement is related to cooking activities, use of propane/fuel and inspections. Forms are provided by your staff liaison. Food TrucksVendor placement of Food Trucks is the responsibility of each Event Organizer and may require prior approval from Parks staff for placement on grassed areas. Please be aware if there is any damage or impacts to City property the Event Organizer may incur additional charges for repair and/or clean up. Food Trucks must abide By-law 110-2015. For more information, please refer to the section on Business Licences for how to apply for a Refreshment Vehicle Licence. Note: Food Trucks are a Class D licence HelicopterIf your event involves a helicopter landing, the operator must supply a copy of the Special Flight Operation Certificate, which is issued by Transport Canada. Additional insurance requirements are required. For more information contact: Transport Canada Hot Air BalloonsThe use of hot air balloons as a ride or attraction will be considered with stringent risk management measures in place. Some items we will ask for are: dimensions of the balloon, information on how you propose to tie the balloon down as well the Event Organizer must submit a copy of the Special Flight Operation Certificate, which is issued by Transport Canada. Additional insurance requirements are required. For more information contact: Transport Canada InsuranceAll events using City of Burlington property must obtain Commercial General Liability Insurance with a minimum value of $2 million. Value may be increased depending on what activities are present at the event. Insurance certificates must name “The Corporation of the City of Burlington, 426 Brant Street, Burlington, ON, L7R 3Z6” as an additionally insured. All certificates of insurance are also required to indicate:
Lottery, Raffles, Games of ChanceAll occurrences of gambling, gaming or games of chance (including 50/50 draws, Bingo games, lotteries, raffles, etc.) in the province of Ontario are subject to the licensing and regulations of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario and must have a lottery licence. Organizations must contact the Bylaw department to confirm eligibility before applying for a lottery licence,. For more information on obtaining a Lottery Licence, contact: City of Burlington: Building and Bylaw Department For information regarding the provincial requirements, contact: AGCO |
Music Licensing |
Entandem is a joint venture between RE:SOUND and SOCAN to simplify music licensing fees. Entandem is a not for profit music and licensing company dedicated to obtaining fair compensation for the use of recorded and live music in public places. The City of Burlington requires all events on municipal property obtain the appropriate licensing requirements through Entandem. For more information, contact: Entandem Website: www.entandemlicensing.com |
Noise Control |
The presence of amplified sound is regulated under the City of Burlington’s Nuisance and Noise Control By-law 19-2003 and is prohibited during the following times: 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Monday through Saturday and 11 p.m. to 9 a.m. on Sunday. Outside of these times, Event Organizers must consider the surrounding community impact of amplified sound due to the location of your event. |
Parking |
Depending on the size and scope of the event, an Event Organizer may be required to provide a parking management plan. This plan must identify Fire Access Emergency Routes, accessible parking spaces, vendor parking, and event attendee parking. It is recommended Event Organizers also consider the following:
Parking Lot Rentals |
Event organizers may require dedicated access to either municipal paid parking lots (in the downtown core) or a municipal parking lot at a city owned facility which may be booked in conjunction with a rental. For information visit burlington.ca/parking or view the Downtown Parking Map. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parked Vehicles within Road Closures |
Events with Road Occupancy Permits must have all vehicles removed from the permitted street(s) before the event begins. Failure to remove vehicles prior to the road closure taking effect may result in vehicles being ticketed and towed from the road at the vehicle owner’s expense. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Vehicles in Parks |
Event Organizers must request vehicle access on public park property. This request should be indicated in writing and would only be for the purpose of event set up and take down. Permission to allow vehicle access to park property is contingent on the following:
If permission is granted, Event Organizers must follow the following conditions when driving:
Police Officers: Pay Duty |
Event Organizers may be required to hire Pay Duty Officers through the Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) at their expense. The number of officers required for a Pay Duty will be assessed and determined by the Halton Regional Police Service based on size and scope of your event. Event Organizers must complete a Pay Duty Request. HRPS Pay Duty Clerk: Phone: 905-825-4747 ext. 5404 |
Road Occupancy and Traffic Control Plan |
Event Organizers requiring partial or full occupancy of a City of Burlington road, boulevard or sidewalk are required to apply for a Road Occupancy Permit through the Transportation Services Department. The applicant must meet all the Road Occupancy Permit conditions which includes the submission of a “Traffic Control Plan” prepared by a qualified contractor of Ontario Traffic Manual (OTM) Book 7. The Traffic Control Plan must:
Advance Notification Signs are required for all planned lane/road closures and emergency vehicle access including a 6m emergency lane be provided (under the Ontario Building Code) and maintained throughout the event in order to facilitate vehicles, equipment and operations during an emergency response. If an event takes place or impacts a Regional Road, additional approval and Road Occupancy |
Set-up Needs – Facility, Park, or On-road |
If your event has any set-up or tear-down needs, it is the responsibility of the Event Organizer and may require added security. Events on City property may request and will be charged for services such as:
Site plan |
A proposed site plan detailing the desired layout of the event is required and is subject to the City’s approval and may require revisions. Once approved, an event’s site plan must be observed during event set-up and activation. All site plans should include:
Stages |
An Event Organizer must notify their City Staff Liaison of any stage use planned within an event site. The location and size of each stage must be indicated on your site plan. If you have a stage installation then you may require both a Zoning Clearance Certificate and a Building Permit. If you have any additional stage supports that hold up equipment (i.e. scaffolding, curtains, speakers, etc.) that are not located on the stage then a building permit may also be required for those components. Please submit the following information to Zoning and/or Building regarding your stage(s) to determine if permits are needed:
For more information contact: City of Burlington Building Department City of Burlington: Community Planning, Zoning Section |
Staking/Spiking or Digging |
Staking, spiking, or digging into the ground, grass or concrete/pavement on municipal property is strictly prohibited unless prior permission is granted, and appropriate measures undertaken. Underground utilities (including hydro, gas, or irrigation lines) may be buried below the surface of municipal property and are at risk when staking or digging. Any penalties or charges resulting from damage to any underground utilities as the outcome of unapproved staking, spiking, or digging are the responsibility of the Event Organizer. If an event requires items that must be weighted down (i.e., tents, inflatables, etc.) it is the Event Organizer’s responsibility to coordinate appropriate weighting devices that do not require staking, spiking, or digging. Weighting devices may include concrete blocks, industry-certified rubber tent weights, and water barrels. The use of these weighted materials to secure items at an event site must be done in consultation with installation experts to ensure the safety and security of the public, the event site, the items, and the weights. If an event requires the installation of any object that penetrates the ground, approval from the City must be granted. In the case that permission for ground penetration is granted by the City, utility locates (the marking of underground utilities) is required. Costs associated with conducting utility locates will be the responsibility of the Event Organizer |
Tents and Canopies |
An Event Organizer must identify on their site plan where any tent or canopy is being planned within the event site. Pop-up canopies/tents 10 ft x10 ft and under may not require further approvals. All canopies and tents must be secured by weights or sandbags as a first option. Note: please refer to section on Staking/Spiking & Digging for more information. A Zoning Clearance Certificate and Building Permit is required for a tent or group of tents if they are:
Along with the application for a Zoning Clearance Certificate, the Event Organizer must provide a copy of the following documents:
Once you have applied for your Zoning Clearance Certificate you can then apply for your Building Permit. Along with the application, the Event Organizer must provide an electronic copy of the of the following documents to buildingpermits@burlington.ca:
All applicable fees are the responsibility of the Event Organizer. For more information contact: City of Burlington: Building Department City of Burlington: Department of Community Planning, Zoning Section |
Volunteers |
Volunteers are essential to the successful execution of any event. As volunteers are an extension of your event staff it is important, they are properly trained. It is our recommendation Event Organizers create a Volunteer Management Plan (VMP). The VMP should consider:
A requirement through the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) is for all volunteers to be trained on the Ontario Human Rights Code. This training will ensure they know how to respectfully assist people with disabilities and to respond to any accessibility issues that may arise by providing excellent Customer Service. For more information about the AODA visit Government of Ontario’s Accessibility Laws. Free Training ResourcesFind free education modules to meet the training requirements under Ontario’s accessibility laws. |
Washrooms/Sanitary Facilities |
If your event location does not have enough sanitary facilities for the anticipated attendees, organizers will be responsible for providing:
The following are the recommended minimum number of washrooms and hand wash stations for an event from the Halton Region Health Department. Number of Washroom Fixtures at EventsAmount of Washroom Fixtures by Gender and Attendance at Peek Times
Additional Fixtures for Males:
Additional Fixtures for Females:
Sanitation TipsIt is the responsibility of the Event Organizer to ensure proper sanitation and maintenance of washroom and hand washing stations (fixed or portable). Some tips from the Halton Region:
Waste Management |
In order to help with waste management, Event Organizers must provide waste and recycling containers for their participants to use. Please do not rely on the large molok containers in the parks or facilities as they are not intended for event use and may be locked by parks staff during an event. In addition, we ask for Event Organizers to aim to reduce waste materials at your event, and limit or prohibit single use plastics and Styrofoam. We encourage you to work towards a zero waste/green event. Your City Staff Clean up of all debris at the event site is the responsibility of the Event Organizer. Debris left at the event site will be cleaned up by Parks or Facility staff and cleanup costs will be the responsibility of the Event Organizer. Contracting a waste removal service should be considered by all larger event organizers. Halton Region offers recycle and compost services for events, they will drop off and pick-up recycling bins and compost bins for free. To request this, you will need to submit a Community Event Waste Diversion Services Request a minimum of six weeks in advance of your event. For more information, visit Halton Region Waste Management or contact Halton Region at 311. |
Public Conduct Policy |
The City of Burlington has a Public Conduct Policy which ensures that all patrons, staff, volunteers and spectators have the right to be safe and to feel safe while attending a program, facility or City property. The City expects the same environment of respect and safety to be observed by Event Organizers holding events on City property. For more information, please review the City of Burlington’s Public Conduct Policy. |
If you are planning to host an event on private priority, there are requirements needed by other City of Burlington departments depending on the scope of your event.
Other event requirements may be needed from other services areas including but not limited to:
The City of Burlington has a variety of funding opportunities for event organizers for more information visit the below.